Liebe Kunden, vom 23.12.2024 bis 03.01.2025 ist unsere Hotline nur eingeschränkt verfügbar (8 - 14 Uhr). An Weihnachten (24. - 26.12.2024) sowie an Silvester (31.12.2024) und Neujahr (01.01.2025) ist unser Kundensupport nicht erreichbar. Ab dem 03.01.2025 ist unser Service-Team wieder wie gewohnt erreichbar.
von Redaktion17.06.2021 (Aktualisiert: 20.08.2024)0 Kommentare
Mit dem kostenlosen Tool Google Lookerstudio erstellen Sie mit wenigen Klicks benutzerdefinierte Berichte und Reports zu Ihren Daten. Egal ob Google Analytics, Piwik oder Google Ads. Dank zahlreicher Konnektoren zu anderen Tools können Sie Ihre Daten in einer Plattform visualisieren. Wie Google Lookerstudio aufgebaut ist und wie Sie Ihren ersten Bericht erstellen, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Ratgeber.
„Die Informationen dieser Welt organisieren und allgemein zugänglich und nutzbar machen.“ Das ist die oberste Mission von Google. Gewiss eine Herkulesaufgabe, denn Informationen und Fakten stecken heute nicht mehr nur auf klassischen Webseiten oder in Texten, sondern in einer Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Medientypen wie Bildern, Präsentationen oder Audio-Content. Google möchte, dass wir die Antworten auf unsere Fragen so einfach und schnell wie möglich erhalten und zwar im passenden Format. Deshalb gibt es auf den Suchergebnisseiten (SERPs) neben reinen Website-Links auch viele weitere Ergebnis-Typen wie Karten, Live-News oder Echtzeitdaten von Events.
Google Lookerstudio: Was ist das überhaupt?
Mit dem Google Lookerstudio können Sie Daten aus der Google Suche für Ihre eigene Website auswerten und visuell darstellen – und zwar kostenlos. Alles was Sie dafür benötigen, ist ein kostenloses Google-Konto. Das ist aber nicht der einzige Einsatzzweck. Sie haben die volle Kontrolle über Ihre eigenen Daten und können beliebige Dashboards kostenlos erstellen.
Neben der Google Suche sind viele weitere Anwendungsszenarien denkbar. Es lassen sich derzeit Daten aus über 400 unterschiedlichen Anwendungen aggregieren und zusammenfügen.
Beliebte Einsatzzwecke für Google Lookerstudio:
Auswertungen der organischen Suchergebnisleistung einer Website
Besucherüberblick nach Ländern, Bezirken oder Städten erstellen
Kampagnen-Dashboards zur Auswertung von PPC-Kampagnen, z. B. Google Ads
Kompakte Auflistung der beliebtesten Seiten einer Website
Darstellung der wichtigsten Online-Shop-KPIs auf einem Dashboard
So erstellen Sie Ihr erstes Dashboard
Screenshot: Google Lookerstudio / FLYERALARM Digital
Wenn Sie sich im Lookerstudio angemeldet und eingeloggt haben, müssen Sie auf den Button „Erstellen“ klicken. Dieser befindet sich auf der linken Bildschirmseite in der Navigation. Alternativ können Sie auch über den folgenden Link starten.
Von Beginn an: Leeres Dashboard erstellen
Sie möchten selbst von Anfang an starten und Ihren eigenen Bericht ohne ein Template erstellen? Dann können Sie ein Dashboard über den Button „Leerer Bericht“ erstellen. Das Lookerstudio erstellt dann automatisch einen neuen Bericht mit dem Namen „Unbenannter Bericht“.
So sieht ein leerer Bericht aus: Reichlich Platz für Ihre Daten.Screenshot: Google Lookerstudio / FLYERALARM Digital
Über zahlreiche Konnektoren können Sie Ihre Daten zum Bericht hinzufügen, die sich später über visuelle Elemente wie Tabellen oder Graphen darstellen lassen. Dazu müssen Sie in der Werkzeugleiste auf den Button „Daten hinzufügen“ klicken. Es klappt ein Fenster nach oben, in dem alle verfügbaren Konnektoren aufgelistet sind.
Mit einer bestehenden Vorlage beginnen
Für viele Anwendungszwecke gibt es vorgefertigte Dashboards, die man einfach als Vorlage für das eigene Reporting verwenden kann. Es müssen fast immer nur noch Datenkonnektoren eingerichtet werden und geringfügige Anpassungen durchgeführt werden. Die Vorlagen verkürzen den Prozess enorm. So können Sie beispielsweise ein YouTube-Channel Reporting in weniger als einer Minute erstellen.
Mit Vorlagen wie dieser lassen sich Reportings in wenigen Sekunden erstellen.Screenshot: Google Lookerstudio / FLYERALARM Digital
Das Herzstück der Daten: Die Datenquellen und Konnektoren
Damit Sie mit dem Lookerstudio aussagekräftige Berichte und Reports erstellen können, müssen Sie in jedem Bericht einmalig Ihre Datenquellen definieren. Das Google-Team bietet im Lookerstudio eine Auswahl offizieller Konnektoren an, die Sie für Ihre Berichte nutzen können. Über den Google Analytics-Konnektor können Sie zum Beispiel verschiedene Metriken und Dimensionen zu Ihrer Property darstellen. Es gibt keine Beschränkung auf nur eine Property. In einem Bericht können so mehrere Analytics-Konten miteinander verbunden werden.
Ihre Daten können Sie dann mithilfe verschiedener Elemente visualisieren. Neben Tabellen gibt es hier nahezu alle gängigen Diagrammtypen wie Linien-, Balken- oder Säulendiagramme.
Offizielle Konnektoren von Google
Neben Google Analytics werden aktuell fast 20 weitere Konnektoren von Google direkt zur Verfügung gestellt. In der nachfolgenden Liste zeigen wir Ihnen beliebte Konnektoren und Anwendungsbeispiele.
Search Console Mit dem Search Console-Connector können Sie wichtige Kennzahlen zur organischen Suchergebnisleistung Ihrer Website in Lookerstudio präsentieren. CTR, Klicks oder Top-Suchanfragen nach Domain können so ganz einfach als Tabelle ausgegeben werden.
Google Ads Dieser Konnektor ermöglicht es relevante Kennzahlen rund um Ihre Performance-Marketing-Kampagnen darzustellen. Damit lassen sich beispielsweise verschiedene Dashboards realisieren, die einen Überblick über die besten Keywords, Anzeigen oder Kampagnen visualisieren.
Google Tabellen Die Verbindung zu einem Spreadsheet ermöglicht es, relevanten Kennzahlen die Sie über Google Tabellen pflegen zu nutzen. Ein Beispiel wären Metriken, die über Formeln automatisch aktualisiert werden. Diese Zahlen können durch die Verknüpfung direkt aus der Tabelle gelesen werden.
Google Cloud Storage Ihr CRM oder ERP-System exportiert relevante Kennzahlen direkt in Ihren GSC-Speichern? Mit diesem Typ können Sie in Lookerstudio eine Verknüpfung auf diese Daten herstellen und so beispielsweise aktuelle Verkaufsstatistiken visuell darstellen lassen.
YouTube Analytics Sie haben einen eigenen YouTube Kanal? Mit diesem Konnektor können Sie das Lookerstudio um wichtige Kennzahlen des ausgewählten Channels erweitern. Erreichte Personen, Zuschauer, Durchschnittliche Videowiedergabedauer, uvm.
MySQL Sie möchten direkt auf Kennzahlen aus Ihrem Online-Shop zugreifen? Über den MySQL-Konnektor können Sie direkt auf eine SQL-Datenbank zugreifen und beliebige Daten auslesen. Wichtig: Legen Sie hierfür unbedingt einen eigenen Datenbanknutzer mit Leserechten an, der nur auf die jeweils benötigten Daten zugreifen kann.
Community- bzw. Partner-Konnektoren
Neben den von Google betreuten Konnektoren gibt es eine große Auswahl von mehr als 400 Partner-Konnektoren. Diese Tools werden von Firmen selbst entwickelt und gewartet und erweitern die Funktionalität des Lookerstudios enorm. Sie möchten einen eigenen Community-Konnektor erstellen? Das geht: Mit Google Apps Script können Sie eine eigene Lösung entwickeln und im Lookerstudio publizieren.
Auswahl der verfügbaren Partner-Konnektoren (Stand: Juni 2021):
Google Analytics Von Google Verbindung zu Google Analytics herstellen.
Google Ads Von Google Mit Daten aus Google Ads-Leistungsberichten verknüpfen.
Google Tabellen Von Google Mit Google Tabellen verknüpfen.
BigQuery Von Google Mit BigQuery-Tabellen und benutzerdefinierten Abfragen verknüpfen.
Datei-Upload Von Google Mit CSV-Dateien verknüpfen.
Campaign Manager 360 Von Google Mit Campaign Manager 360-Daten verknüpfen.
Cloud Spanner Von Google Verbindung zu Google Cloud Spanner-Datenbanken herstellen.
Cloud SQL für MySQL Von Google Mit MySQL-Datenbanken verknüpfen, die mit dem Google-Dienst Cloud SQL für MySQL verwaltet werden.
Daten extrahieren Von Google Verbindung mit Datenextraktion herstellen
Display & Video 360 Von Google Mit Daten aus Display & Video 360-Berichten verknüpfen.
Google Cloud Storage Von Google Eigene Dateien in Google Cloud Storage ansehen.
Google Surveys Von Google Stellt eine Verknüpfung mit Google Surveys-Daten her.
Google Ad Manager 360 Von Google Mit Google Ad Manager-Daten verknüpfen.
MySQL Von Google Mit MySQL-Datenbanken verknüpfen.
PostgreSQL Von Google Mit PostgreSQL-Datenbanken verknüpfen.
Search Console Von Google Mit Search Console-Daten verknüpfen.
Search Ads 360 Von Google Sie können Leistungsberichte für Search Ads 360 abrufen.
YouTube Analytics Von Google Mit YouTube Analytics-Daten verknüpfen.
Tables by Area 120 Von Area 120 by Google The Tables connector allows you to access data stored in a Tables table.
Eigenen erstellen Von Google Eigene Connectors erstellen
Chrome UX Report Von The Chrome UX Report Team Explore user experience stats about an origin in the Chrome UX Report.
SAS Insights Data Studio Connector Von GCS Customer Insights This connector provides Google Ads insights around performance and product adoption at the agency and customer lev…
SISTRIX Toolbox Connector Von SISTRIX GmbH Integrate data from the SISTRIX Toolbox into Google Data Studio.
Unbekannter Connector Von Unknown Identity Für diesen Connector ist keine Beschreibung verfügbar.
Custom JSON/CSV/XML Von Supermetrics Fetch data from any JSON, CSV, or XML file from your Google Drive to Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
250+ Marketing and Custom Sources Von TapClicks Single connector for 250+ Marketing sources, Databases, Warehouses, Storage, GSheets
500+ Marketing Data Sources Von Funnel Fetch data from over 500 marketing sources through a single connector. Free trial available!
ActiveCampaign Von Find My Insight Connector for ActiveCampaign API v3. Powerful and simple view of your AC
Ad Data + All Other Sources Von Adverity Datatap provides hundreds of native API connectors alongside a scalable and fully fletched ETL engine.
Ad Data + Attribution Von Get ad data from all ad-networks, combine with Google Analytics and run data driven attribution.
Ad Data + Google Analytics Von Supermetrics Combine campaign data from different ad networks and merge with Google Analytics data. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Ad data agency overview Von Cervinodata For agencies. Key metrics from your ad accounts from multiple platforms in one connector. Free template.
Ad data multiple platforms Von Cervinodata Compare the performance across all your ad platforms. Free Data Studio template included.
Ad, Analytics, Social Data Von ReportDash Fetch data from Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, Bing, Mailchimp, Adroll, and 10+ other data sources.
Adform Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Adform. Get any metrics and dimensions from Adform to Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Adilot Von Adilot Inc. Connect to your Facebook Ads data and create reports using Adilot account.
Adjust Daily Cohorts Von adjust Get your Adjust Daily Cohorts data in Google Data Studio
Adjust Deliverables Von adjust Get your Adjust Deliverables data in Google Data Studio.
Adjust Monthly Cohorts Von adjust Get your Adjust Monthly Cohorts data in Google Data Studio
Adjust Weekly Cohorts Von adjust Get your Adjust Weekly Cohorts data in Google Data Studio
Adobe Analytics Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Adobe Analytics. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Adobe Analytics 2.0 Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Adobe Analytics. Get any fields you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
AdRoll Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for AdRoll. Get any metrics and dimensions from AdRoll to Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
AdRoll Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s AdRoll connector
AdRoll Von Megalytic Get real-time data from AdRoll. Try it for free. No credit card required.
AdRoll Von Raven Tools Connect data from your AdRoll accounts to Google Data Studio.
AdRoll Von Power My Analytics Connect your AdRoll data with a few clicks. Instant demo by using report template. Phone support available.
AdStage Connect Von AdStage Connect and sync your Ad data from multiple networks
Adv. FB Ads – Ad group Von Cervinodata FB Ads multiple accounts connector, data per ad group. Includes smart campaign filter.
Adv. FB Ads – Custom Conv. Von Cervinodata FB Ads multiple accounts connector. Custom conversion results. Includes smart campaign filter.
Advanced Ad data + GA Von Cervinodata Combine and filter campaigns from multiple ad platforms. Blend with GA data. Free Data Studio template.
Advanced Facebook Ads Von Cervinodata Facebook Ads multiple accounts connector. Includes smart campaign filter. Free Data Studio template.
Advanced LinkedIn Ads Von Cervinodata Linked Ads multiple accounts connector. Includes smart campaign filter. Free Data Studio template.
Advanced Microsoft Ads Von Cervinodata Microsoft Ads multiple accounts connector. Includes smart campaign filter. Free Data Studio template.
Advanced Snapchat Ads Von Cervinodata Snapchat Ads multiple accounts connector. Includes smart campaign filter. Free Data Studio template.
Advanced Twitter Ads Von Cervinodata Twitter Ads multiple accounts connector. Includes smart campaign filter. Free Data Studio template.
AFAS Profit Von Gladior B.V. Connect to your data using the AFAS Profit by Gladior
Affilbox Von AffilBox s.r.o. Connect data from your AffilBox software for advanced reports on your affiliate program.
Ahrefs Von Supermetrics Move your Ahrefs data into Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Amazon MWS Von Power My Analytics Connect your Amazon Seller data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Amazon MWS – Von Amazon MWS
Analytics Canvas Von nModal Solutions Inc. Speed up reports, connect to SQL Server, Oracle and other DBs, get unsampled data from Google Analytics and more.
Any Analytics and Social data Von Dataddo s.r.o. Connect any analytics, advertising or social to Google Data Studio. Dataddo works with many data sources and stora…
Api4com Von Api4Com Conecte-se agora mesmo com a CDR da Api4Com
App Store Connect Von Easy App Reports Fetch your App Store Connect data into Data Studio.
Apple Search Ads Von Supermetrics Move your data from Apple Search Ads into Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
AppNexus Von TapClicks Connect to your data using TapClicks’s AppNexus connector.
AppNexus Ad Insights-Windsor Von AppNexus Ads Insights
Arbona – Facebook Ads Von Arbona Lifetime free Facebook Insights Connector. Connect your Fb Insights data using Arbona’s connector.
Arbona – Facebook Insights Von Arbona Lifetime free Facebook Insights Connector. Connect your Fb Insights data using Arbona’s connector.
Asana Von Jivrus Technologies Asana – Data Studio Connector by Jivrus Technologies
AT Internet Von AT Internet Connect AT Internet data to Google Data Studio.
AT Internet – DELTA Von AT Internet Connect AT Internet data to Google Data Studio.
AuthorityLabs Rank Tracker Von AuthorityLabs Connect your AuthorityLabs SEO keyword ranking reports to Data Studio.
AwesomeAds Von SuperAwesome LTD AwesomeAds reports
Awin Insights-Windsor Von Awin Insights
Basis Von Centro Illustrate campaign results – Connect Basis’ planning and delivery data to Google Data Studio.
BGS Monitor Von BioBarica Connect to the BGS monitor data
Bing Ads Von Catchr Bing Ads connector for Data Studio. Connect to any metrics and dimensions you want.
Bing Ads Ad Insights-Windsor Von Bing Ads Insights
Bing Webmaster Tools Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Bing Webmaster Tools. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Bionic Von Bionic Advertising Systems Connect to your Bionic media planning and marketing performance data.
BirdEye Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s BirdEye connector
Blinkfire Von Blinkfire Analytics Connect to all Blinkfire API data using this connector.
BrightEdge Von BrightEdge Connect to your BrightEdge account and analyze your SEO performance.
Business activity tracker Von Amaka Business activity tracker connector.
CallRail Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for CallRail. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
CallRail: Call Details Von CallRail Create custom call details reports using the call attribution data from your online & offline campaigns.
CallRail: Call Time Series Von CallRail Create custom call summary by time series reports using the call attribution data from your online & offline campa…
CallRail: Calls Summary Von CallRail Create custom call summary reports using the call attribution data from your online & offline campaigns.
CallRail: Forms Summary Von CallRail Create custom forms summary reports using the forms submission data from your online & offline campaigns.
CallTracking Calls Von get on top gmbh Analyse your CallTracking data which contains phone numbers, call duration and campaign information.
CallTracking Campaigns Von get on top gmbh Analyse your CallTracking data which contains monthly aggregated campaign information.
CallTrackingMetrics Activity Von CallTrackingMetrics LLC Build reports using aggregated data from the activity reports of CallTrackingMetrics.
CallTrackingMetrics Call Log Von CallTrackingMetrics LLC Build reports using real-time, unaggregated data from the call log of CallTrackingMetrics.
Calypsus Facebook ads Von Calypsus Fetch all your ad account data from the Facebook Ads API.
Calypsus LinkedIn Ads Von Calypsus Fetch all your ad account data from the LinkedIn Marketing API.
Campaign Von SEOmonitor Connect to your Campaign data. Learn more at
Campaign Monitor Von Power My Analytics Connect your Campaign Monitor data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Capsule Cases Von Capsule Connect Capsule case data with Google Data Studio
Capsule Contacts Von Capsule Connect Capsule contact data with Google Data Studio
Capsule CRM Von Jivrus Technologies Capsule CRM – Data Studio Connector by Jivrus Technologies
Capsule Opportunities Von Capsule Connect Capsule opportunity data with Google Data Studio
CartStack Von Power My Analytics Connect your CartStack data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
CatchOn Von CatchOn Inc. Connect to your CatchOn data using the CatchOn Connector
CData Connect Von CData Software, Inc Connect to your CData Connect instance from Google Data Studio.
Centro DSP Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Centro DSP connector.
Choozle Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Choozle connector.
Chrome Device AUE Von Amplified Labs Visualize managed Chrome Device models and auto-update expiration dates
Chrome Device Version Health Von Amplified Labs Visualize managed Chrome Device OS versions
ClassReporter Von Tablet Academy Connect to Google Classroom data generated by ClassReporter.
Clockify Von The Data Students Fetch live data from your Clockify account.
Competition Insights Von SEOmonitor Connect to your SEOmonitor Competition Insights data
Connecteur Ranxplorer Von Ranxplorer Connectez vos données Ranxplorer dans vos dashboards Data Studio.
Constant Contact Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Constant Contact connector
Constant Contact Von Power My Analytics Connect your Constant Contact data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
ContentKing Von ContentKing Connect to your ContentKing data
Contentsquare Von Contentsquare Pull your digital experience metrics from Contentsquare into Google Data Studio in just a few clicks!
Copper Von Copper Connect your Copper CRM data. Generate a new API key in Copper to get started.
Criteo Von Power My Analytics Connect your Criteo data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Criteo Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Criteo. Powerful yet Flexible and Easy To Use. Trusted by 300k+ Marketers.
Criteo Ad Insights-Windsor Von Criteo Insights
Criteo Marketing Data Von Criteo Connect your Criteo data using a free connector for Google Data Studio
Cross-platform Von Reporting Ninja Connect to multiple ad platforms and multiple ad accounts in the same platform. Try it for free
Daktela V6 Connector Von Daktela Daktela V6 statistics connector for Google Data Studio
Data Connector for Salesforce Von Xappex Lets you use a Salesforce database as a data source for your Data Studio Dashboard Von, Inc. Create reports with data pulled from one or more datasets using SQL queries. Von Fetch data from
DataScope Connect Von DataScope Build Dashboard with data collected in DataScope using Data Studio.
Dataslayer Facebook Ads Von Softpoint Dataslayer Facebook Ads
Dataslayer Google Adwords Von Softpoint Dataslayer Google Adwords Connector
Dataslayer Google Analytics Von Softpoint Dataslayer Google Analytics Connector
Dataslayer Google DV360 Von Softpoint Dataslayer Google DV360 Connector
DataTrue Von DataTrue Connect to DataTrue test data.
DeepCrawl Von DeepCrawl Connect DeepCrawl to analyze your website’s technical SEO health: Crawl, Issue, and Task insights are available.
Dialfire Von Dialfire This connector allows Google Data Studio to access your Dialfire reports.
DialogTech Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s DialogTech connector.
Digimind Social Von Digimind Import all Digimind Social insights in your Google Data Studio account, and run them in Google Analytics.
DynAd Von UOL Connector uses DynAd API to get report data.
Easy Call Tracker Von Power My Analytics Analytics Importer ‚Easy Call Tracker‘ Connector connects Easy Call Tracker data into Data Studio.
eBay Von Power My Analytics Connect your eBay Seller data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
eLama Von eLama Upload data from advertising and analytics systems to Data Studio and get clear reports.
elvanto API Von ChurchBot Fetch data from elvanto through its API.
elvanto Report Von ChurchBot Fetch data from an elvanto Report shared via a link.
Etracker Von Etracker Access your Etracker data.
everythingData Salesforce Von everythingData Connect to Salesforce data
everythingData Twitter Web Von everythingData Connect to Twitter Public Data
Facebook Ad Insights-Windsor Von Facebook Insights
Facebook Ads Von SlideData Gain insight into your Facebook Ads data. Built from the ground up for marketers.
Facebook Ads Von Gladior B.V. Connect to your data using the Facebook Ads connector by Gladior
Facebook Ads Von Catchr Facebook Ads connector for Data Studio. Connect to any metrics and dimensions you want.
Facebook Ads Von Ondigital / Digiraph AB Lets you visualize Facebook Ads performance data using Google Data Studio. From $5 and a 7 day free trial.
Facebook Ads Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Facebook Ads. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Facebook Ads Von Power My Analytics Connect your Facebook Ads data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Facebook Ads Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for Facebook Ads. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free
Facebook Ads Von Raven Tools World-Class Connector for Facebook Ads. Try it free for 14 days. No credit card required.
Facebook Ads Von Megalytic Get real-time data from Facebook Ads. Try it for free. No credit card required.
Facebook Ads Von Cervinodata Facebook Ads multiple accounts connector. Free Data Studio template.
Facebook Ads Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Facebook Ads connector
Facebook ads + Instagram ads Von Porter Metrics Connect Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads. Reports templates and documentation included.
Facebook Ads Insight Von Find My Insight Connector for Facebook Marketing API for Ads Insight. Metrics for directional insights.
Facebook Ads Insights Von Adynamite Facebook ads insights data import.
Facebook Ads Insights Von Data Relate Cheapest Facebook Ads Data Studio Connector.
Facebook Audience Network Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Facebook Audience Network. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Facebook Insights Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Facebook Insights. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Facebook Insights Von Porter Metrics Visualize pages, reactions, images, posts, Messenger, reach and more. Templates and guides included.
Facebook Insights Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for Facebook Insights. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free
Facebook Insights Von Gladior B.V. Connect to your data using the Facebook Insights by Gladior
Facebook Insights Von Power My Analytics Connect your Facebook Page Insights data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Facebook Page Insights Von Data Relate Automate your Facebook Page Insights with Data Relate and Data Studio.
Facebook Page Insights Von Raven Tools World-Class Connector for Facebook Pages. Try it free for 14 days. No credit card required.
Facebook Page Insights Von Megalytic Get real-time data from Facebook Pages. Try it for free. No credit card required.
Facebook Page Insights Von Equip Digital Metrics Gather your Facebook page insights data for easy reporting.
Facebook Pages Insights Von Catchr Facebook Pages Insights connector for Data Studio. Connect to any metrics and dimensions you want.
Facebook Posts Insights Von Data Relate Automate your Facebook Posts Insights with Data Relate and Data Studio.
Facebook Public Data Von Supermetrics Fetch all publicly available Facebook user info and posts into Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
FB Ads – Ad group Von Cervinodata FB Ads multiple accounts connector, data per ad group. Free Data Studio template.
Float Von Experience Lab Fetch and visualise Float projects, teams, tasks and tracked time.
Fluro Von Fluro Build Reports with data from the Fluro ChMS.
Foqal Agent Von Foqal, inc View your Foqal Agent data and create interactive reports.
Forecast Von SEOmonitor Connect to your SEOmonitor – Objective/Forecast data. Learn more at
Foundant CommunitySuite Von Foundant Technologies Provides your CommunitySuite data from Foundant Technologies.
FunnelGraph Von TrueMetrics LLC (a VK WEB company) FunnelGraph for Google Analytics allows to build funnel visualization in Data Studio
G-Accon for Xero Von G-Accon Visualsize Xero Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow and Budget Summary
Gcalls History Dashboard Von Gcalls Gcalls History Dashboard gives you comprehensive insights into how your callcenter operates.
giniPredict Von gini Connect to Xero and get key insights for decision-making visualised in interactive dashboards and reports.
GKE Usage Metering Von Google Kubernetes Engine Connect to GKE usage metering data.
GMB Insights Von Jepto Free: Connect to your Google My Business data
Google Ad Manager Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Google Ad Manager. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Google Ads Von Megalytic Get real-time data from Google Ads. Try it for free. No credit card required.
Google Ads Von Catchr Google Ads connector for Data Studio. Connect to any metrics and dimensions you want.
Google Ads Von Power My Analytics Connect your Google Ads data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Google Ads Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Google Ads. Multi-account reporting. All your metrics and dimensions. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Google AdSense Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Google AdSense. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Google Analytics Von Power My Analytics Connect your Google Analytics data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Google Analytics Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Google Analytics connector
Google Analytics Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Google Analytics. All your metrics & dimensions. No sampling. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Google Analytics Von Cervinodata All your Google Analytics views together. No sampling. Reliable data delivery. Free Data Studio template.
Google Analytics Von Megalytic Get real-time data from Google Analytics. Try it for free. No credit card required.
Google Analytics 4 Von Supermetrics Move your Google Analytics 4 (App + Web) data into Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Google BigQuery Von Supermetrics Visualize your BigQuery data in Data Studio. Automatic merging between tables. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Google Calendar Von Jivrus Technologies Data Studio Connector for Google Calendar developed by Jivrus Technologies
Google Campaign Manager Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Google Campaign Manager. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Google Contacts Von Jivrus Technologies Data Studio Connector for Google Contacts developed by Jivrus Technologies
Google Display & Video 360 Von Google Display & Video 360 Insights
Google Display & Video 360 Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Google Display & Video 360. Get any fields you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Google Drive Von Folgo List your Google Drive Files and Folders
Google Merchant Center Von Adformatic Get insights from Google Merchant Center directly in your Google Data Studio dashboards.
Google Merchant Center Von Catchr Google Merchant Center connector for Data Studio. Connect to any metrics and dimensions you want.
Google My Business Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Google My Business. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Google My Business Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for Google My Business. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free
Google My Business Von Power My Analytics Connect your Google My Business data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Google Play Console Von Easy App Reports Fetch your Google Play Console data into Data Studio.
Google Search Console Von Google Search Console
Google Search Console Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Google Search Console. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Google Tasks Von Jivrus Technologies Data Studio Connector for Google Tasks developed by Jivrus Technologies
Gopher for Users: Detailed Von Amplified Labs Visualize information about your G Suite users. Gain insight and understanding at both User and Org Unit level
GoSquared Von GoSquared The GoSquared Connector allows you to fetch all the data about your users from GoSquared Smart Groups.
HarperDB Von HarperDB Inc. Query a HarperDB Database
Harvest – From Sysharmony Von Sysharmony Connect to your Harvest data
Holded Von The Data Students This connector uses the Holded API to fetch data from any entity.
HubSpot Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for HubSpot. Multi-account reporting. All your metrics & dimensions. Trusted by +500K marketers.
HubSpot Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for HubSpot. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free
HubSpot Von Power My Analytics Connect your HubSpot data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
HubSpot Von Jivrus Technologies HubSpot – Data Studio Connector by Jivrus Technologies
HubSpot CRM Insights-Windsor Von HubSpot CRM Insights
Insightly CRM Von Jivrus Technologies Insightly CRM – Data Studio Connector by Jivrus Technologies
Instagram Ads Von Power My Analytics Connect your Instagram Ads data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Instagram Ads Insights Von Data Relate Automate your Instagram Ads Insights with Data Relate and Data Studio.
Instagram Insights Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for Instagram Insights. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free
Instagram Insights Von Porter Metrics Report profile, posts, audiences, and stories data. Templates and tutorials included.
Instagram Insights Von Power My Analytics Connect your Instagram Profile Insights data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support availa…
Instagram Insights Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Instagram Insights. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Instagram Public Data Von Supermetrics #1 connector for Instagram public data. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Integromat Von Integromat LLC Fetch data into Google Data Studio from hundreds of apps through one connector. Free plan available.
intelliAd Suite Von intelliAd Media GmbH Build reports based on intelliAd Performance Marketing Suite data.
Intentwise Amazon Ads Von Intentwise Connect to Amazon Advertising Reporting Data
IQM Reports Von IQM Corporation Get IQM reports data.
Jepto Von Jepto Build custom reports with your KPI Predictions, Budget and Insights data.
JSON – Von JSON Connector
Kaggle Von Google Data Studio Developer Relations Connect to and visualize Kaggle datasets. This connector supports a single CSV file up to 20MB size for each data …
KAWO Von KAWO Technology Ltd Fetch data from your China social channels: WeChat, Weibo and Douyin. Reports Von Connect to your report using our connector
KPI: Indicators Von VASHKPI Fetch data from KPI: Indicators
Leadfeeder Von Leadfeeder Use Leadfeeder to visualize the data about companies visiting your website
Lighthouse Von Foo Lighthouse data from Foo’s Lighthouse public API
LinkedIn Ad Insights-Windsor Von LinkedIn Ads Insights
LinkedIn Ads Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for LinkedIn Ads. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free
LinkedIn Ads Von Cervinodata LinkedIn Ads multiple accounts connector. Free Data Studio template.
LinkedIn Ads Von Power My Analytics Connect your LinkedIn Ads data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
LinkedIn Ads Von Raven Tools Connect data from your LinkedIn Ads accounts to Google Data Studio.
LinkedIn Ads Von Gladior B.V. Connect to your data using the LinkedIn Ads connector by Gladior
LinkedIn Ads Von Megalytic Get real-time data from LinkedIn Ads. Try it for free. No credit card required.
LinkedIn Ads Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for LinkedIn Ads. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
LinkedIn Companies Von Power My Analytics Connect your LinkedIn Analytics data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
LinkedIn Company Von Gladior B.V. Connect to your data using the LinkedIn Company by Gladior
LinkedIn Company Pages Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for LinkedIn Company Pages. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
LinkedIn Pages Von Raven Tools Connect data from your LinkedIn Pages to Google Data Studio.
LinkedIn Pages Von Megalytic Get real-time data from LinkedIn Pages. Try it for free. No credit card required.
LinkedIn Pages Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for LinkedIn Pages. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free Dati Giornalieri Von Integra i tuoi dati di Marketing e visualizza l’andamento giornaliero in un unico report automatico. Logiko. Dati Mensili Von Integra i tuoi dati di Marketing e visualizza l’andamento mensile in un unico report automatico. Logiko.
Madmetrics KPI Von Keyade Get actionable insights with Madmetrics by Keyade
Mailchimp Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for Mailchimp. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free
MailChimp Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Mailchimp. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Mailchimp Von Epilocal The most simple and affordable way to connect your Mailchimp data to Data Studio. Free to try.
Mailchimp Analytics Von Power My Analytics Connect your MailChimp data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Marketing Attribution Von Adinton Adinton Data Studio Connector to visualize your marketing attribution data.
Marketing Miner Von Marketing Miner Connect rank tracking data from your Marketing Miner projects.
Marktplaats Admarkt Von Gladior B.V. Connect to your data using the Marktplaats Admarkt connector by Gladior
matelso Call Tracking Von matelso GmbH Connect your matelso Call Data
Matomo Analytics Von searchVIU GmbH Matomo Data Studio Connector
Mediahawk Call Tracking Von Mediahawk Connect phone call tracking and over 80 source data points from your Mediahawk account.
MediaMath Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s MediaMath connector
Meisterplan Von Meisterplan Inc. Connect Meisterplan Data to Google Data Studio to create interactive dashboards.
Mentionlytics Von Mentionlytics Ltd. Data Studio connector for fetching and visualizing social data from Mentionlytics API
Metrics for Ministry Von Savvy Tool Belt Integrate Planning Center Online with Google Data Studio
Microsoft (Bing) Ads Von TapClicks Connect to your data using TapClicks’s Microsoft(Bing) Ads connector.
Microsoft Ads Von Cervinodata Microsoft Ads multiple accounts connector. Free Data Studio template.
Microsoft Ads Von Power My Analytics Connect your Microsoft Ads data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Microsoft Ads Von Megalytic Get real-time data from Microsoft Ads. Try it for free. No credit card required.
Microsoft Advertising Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for Microsoft Advertising. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free
Microsoft Advertising / Bing Ads Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Microsoft Advertising. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Minerva Data Von Minerva Data Social Media Listening and News Monitoring for Latin America.
Mixpo Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Mixpo connector.
Multi-Channel Attribution Von Attributz Run data-driven attribution on conversions data in JSON or CSV available via URL.
Myposeo – Ranking Analytics Von Myposeo Import all SEO data from your Myposeo account (only for premium users and paid accounts)
Nativo Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Nativo connector
NetHunt CRM Von Connect to any NetHunt CRM folder.
Nightwatch SEO Tracker Von Nightwatch Use Nightwatch to enrich your SEO performance reports
Novaon FacebookAds Von Novaon Track Facebook Data
ODK Central Von UW Impact++ Connect to your ODK Central server and build dashboards for all your projects.
OnCrawl Von OnCrawl Connect to your OnCrawl data.
Optimizely Von Supermetrics Move your Optimizely data into Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Optmyzr Von Optmyzr Include Optmyzr’s PPC data for Google Ads and Microsoft Ads.
Organic Traffic Von SEOmonitor Connect to your SEOmonitor Organic Traffic data. Learn more at
Outbrain Von Power My Analytics Connect your Outbrain data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Outbrain Amplify Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Outbrain Amplify. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
PayCall Calls Measurement Von Paycall Connect to your data using Paycall Calls Measurement system
PayPal Von Power My Analytics Connect your PayPal sales data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Pegasus Von Digital Communication Technologies Connect your pegasus gateway into Google Data Studio
Perfect Audience Von Power My Analytics Connect your Perfect Audience data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Pinterest Von Power My Analytics Connect your Pinterest Analytics data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Pinterest Ads Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Pinterest Ads. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Pinterest Ads – Von Pinterest Ad Insights
Pinterest Organic Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for organic Pinterest data. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Pinterest Public Data Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Pinterest Public Data. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Pipedrive Von The Data Students This connector uses Pipedrive API to fetch data from any entity.
Planning Center Von Growing Healthier Churches Fetch data from Planning Center through its API.
Podcast Analytics and Ads Von Backtracks Analyze and combine podcast analytics and podcast advertising data for your campaigns and content.
PrestaShop Von SOLEDIS Group Connection to the business data of your PrestaShop site.
Price2Spy API Von Web Centric Connect competitor pricing data from Price2Spy.
PriceSpy Analytics Von Prisjakt Connect to your PriceSpy Analytics data.
PriceSpy Insights Von Prisjakt Connect to your PriceSpy Insights data.
PriceSpy Partners Von Prisjakt Connect to your PriceSpy Commission earnings.
Progress Sitefinity Insight Von Progress Software Corporation Gets all of your daily statistics from Sitefinity Insight (formally known as Digital Experience Cloud)
Qooqie Call Tracking Von Qooqie The Qooqie Call Tracking Connector lets you connect to your Qooqie data in Data Studio
QuickBooks Von Jivrus Technologies QuickBooks – Data Studio Connector by Jivrus Technologies
QuickBooks Von Power My Analytics Connect your QuickBooks data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Quora Ads Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Quora Ads. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Quora Ads Von Power My Analytics Connect your Quora Ads data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Rampfy Von Rampfy Technology Veja suas métricas Rampfy no Google Data Studio!
Reddit Public Data Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Reddit. Get any metrics and dimensions from Reddit to Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Redivis Von Redivis Create interactive visualizations with data stored on Redivis.
Reftab Von Reftab Connect your Reftab data. Generate a new API key in Reftab to get started.
Rival IQ Social Analytics Von Rival IQ Rival IQ is competitive social media analytics.
Salesforce Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Salesforce. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Salesforce Von Jivrus Technologies Data Studio Connector for Salesforce developed by Jivrus Technologies
Salesforce Insights-Windsor Von Salesforce Insights
Scalyr PowerQueries Von Scalyr, Inc. Use Scalyr PowerQueries in Data Studio.
SE Ranking Rank Tracker Von SE Ranking Integrate the SE Ranking Rank Tracker connector to visualize your keyword rankings in Google Data Studio.
Search Ads 360 Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Search Ads 360. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Searchmetrics Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Searchmetrics. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
SEMrush Analytics Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for SEMrush Analytics. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
SEMrush Domain Analytics Von SEMrush Connect to Domain Analytics reports.
SEMrush Position Tracking Von SEMrush Connect to your Position Tracking campaigns.
SEMrush Projects Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for SEMrush Projects. Get your SEMrush projects data to Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
ShareASale Von Power My Analytics Connect your ShareASale Merchant data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Shopify Von Power My Analytics Connect your Shopify data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Shopify Von SlideRuleAnalytics View and explore your Shopify ecommerce data in Data Studio for free.
Shopify Von Supermetrics Get your Shopify ecommerce data to Data Studio. All the metrics & dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
SilverBack Stats – Facebook Von SilverBack Stats Build custom report from your authorized Facebook Pages with Silverback Stats
SilverBack Stats – GA Von SilverBack Stats Build custom report from your Google Analytics Account
SilverBack Stats – GMB Von SilverBack Stats Build custom report from your Google My Business Account
SilverBack Stats – Social Von SilverBack Stats Build custom report with Facebook Ads
Siteimprove Von Siteimprove The Siteimprove Connector allows users to visualize Siteimprove data within Google Data Studio
Sizmek Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Sizmek connector
Skyvia Connect Von Skyvia Connect different databases and cloud apps via Skyvia Connect SQL endpoints.
Slymetrix Von Slymetrix SRL Access traffic data of your customers using Slymetrix
Smartsheet Von Jivrus Technologies Smartsheet – Data Studio Connector by Jivrus Technologies
Snapchat Von Power My Analytics Connect your Snapchat Ads data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Snapchat Ad Insights-Windsor Von Snapchat Ads Insights
Snapchat Ads Von Cervinodata Snapchat Ads multiple accounts connector. Free Data Studio template.
Snapchat Marketing Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Snapchat Marketing. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Snowflake Von Coditation Connect to your Snowflake Cloud Data Warehouse to build reports in the Google Data studio.
Snowflake Von Supermetrics Move your data from Snowflake into Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Social Sources by Metricool Von Metricool 25+ Social Media data sources from Metricool: Instagram, Facebook Ads, Google My Business and more.
Socialbakers API Von Socialbakers Connect your Socialbakers API data – DEPRECATED use Socialbakers API 3.0 instead
Socialbakers API 3.0 Von Socialbakers Connect your Socialbakers API data
Socialinsider Analytics Von Socialinsider Connect your Socialinsider account to Google Data Studio
Spoors EFFORT Von Spoors This connector lets you use Data Studio to create interactive dashboards.
Sprinklr Von Sprinklr Connect and visualise all your Sprinklr data directly in Google Data Studio.
StackAdapt Von StackAdapt Access StackAdapt campaign metrics directly in Google Data Studio.
StackAdapt Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for StackAdapt. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Stripe Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Stripe. Get any Stripe payment data you want in Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Stripe Von Power My Analytics Connect your Stripe data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Stripe Von Jivrus Technologies Data Studio Connector for Stripe developed by Jivrus Technologies
Stripe Insights-Windsor Von Stripe Insights
Sudonum Data Von Sudonum Connect to the Sudonum API to view your call-detail-records.
Taboola Von Power My Analytics Connect your Taboola data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Taboola Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Taboola. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Tail – Refinaria Von Tail – Target Audience and Insights Lab Use Data Studio to create custom reports with the power of your Tail Refinery Data.
The Next Ad Analytics Von The Next Ad Access and visualize all your brands data from your The Next Ad account directly in Data Studio.
The Trade Desk Von Supermetrics Move your The Trade Desk data into Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
The Trade Desk Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s The Trade Desk connector
Theadx Report Api Von Theadx Get metrics and dimensions from Theadx to Data Studio. Contact your account manager for token info.
TikTok Ad Insights-Windsor Von TikTok Ads Insights
TikTok Ads Von Power My Analytics Connect your TikTok Ads data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector.
TikTok Ads Von Supermetrics Move your data from TikTok Ads into Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Toky Calls Data Von Toky Inc Create your own reports and dashboards with your Toky calls data
TrackAd Von TrackAd Connect to your data using TrackAd connector.
Trello Von Jivrus Technologies Trello – Data Studio Connector by Jivrus Technologies
TripAdvisor Advertising Von Power My Analytics Free Trial! Analytics Importer TripAdvisor Connector connects TripAdvisor data into Data Studio.
TrueClicks PPC Audit Von TrueClicks Connect to TrueClicks PPC monitoring and auditing data
Tumblr Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Tumblr. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Twitter Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Twitter connector
Twitter Ad Insights-Windsor Von Twitter Ad Insights
Twitter Ads Von Cervinodata Twitter Ads multiple accounts connector. Free Data Studio template.
Twitter Ads Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Twitter Ads connector
Twitter Ads Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for Twitter Ads. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free
Twitter Ads Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Twitter Ads. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Twitter Ads Von Catchr Twitter Ads connector for Data Studio. Connect to any metrics and dimensions you want.
Twitter Analytics Von Power My Analytics Connect your Twitter Analytics data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Twitter Analytics Von Reporting Ninja Probably the best connector for Twitter Analytics. Reliable, flexible and affordable. Try it for free
Twitter Premium Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Twitter. Get in-depth engagement data from Twitter to Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Twitter Public Data Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Twitter Public Data. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
VendSoft Von VendSoft Create custom reports and visualizations with your VendSoft data.
Verizon Media DSP Von Supermetrics Verizon Media DSP connector for Data Studio
Verizon Media Native Ads Von Power My Analytics Connect your Yahoo Gemini data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
Verizon Media Native Ads Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Verizon Media Native Ads. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Vimeo Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Vimeo Public Data. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Vkontakte Public Data Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Vkontakte Public Data. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Walmart Von Power My Analytics Connect your Walmart Seller data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
WaveApps Von Jivrus Technologies WaveApps – Data Studio Connector by Jivrus Technologies
Web Vitals Von Foo Web Vitals data from Automated Lighthouse Check public API
WhatConverts Von WhatConverts Connect to your WhatConverts lead data.
WooCommerce Von Power My Analytics Connect your WooCommerce data with a few clicks. Agency preferred connector. Phone support available.
xAPI LRS Von Launch Learning Connect to your xAPI conformant Learning Record Store. Elliminate manual exports.
Yadera Von Yadera by Teamleader Import Yadera reports in Google Data Studio
Yandex.Direct Von All-connect Визуализация отчетов для Яндекс.Директа
Yandex.Direct Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Yandex.Direct. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Yandex.Metrica Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for Yandex.Metrica. Get any metrics and dimensions you want. Trusted by +500K marketers.
Yext Analytics Von Yext Retrieve Yext Analytics Data
Yext Enhanced Von TapClicks Connect to your data using Tapclicks’s Yext Enhanced connector.
YouTube Von Supermetrics #1 Connector for YouTube. Get any metrics and dimensions from YouTube to Data Studio. Trusted by +500K marketers.
ZEFO SEO Platform Von ZEFO ZEFO provides SEO data such as daily rankings, keyword metrics, domain information, etc…
Zipi Von Zipi Openly access, explore and build your own real estate insights.
Zoho Books Von Jivrus Technologies Data Studio Connector for Zoho Books developed by Jivrus Technologies
Zoho CRM Von Jivrus Technologies Data Studio Connector for Zoho CRM developed by Jivrus Technologies
Zoho Desk Von Jivrus Technologies Data Studio Connector for Zoho Desk developed by Jivrus Technologies
Zoho Desk – Ticket Von Retrieve full info about tickets. Including contact, assignee, team and department info.
Google Lookerstudio in Ihren Arbeitsalltag integrieren
Alle Berichte die Sie mit Ihrem Google-Konto erstellt haben, können Sie ebenfalls mit anderen Nutzern oder Kollegen teilen. Hierfür bietet Google unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten an, die wir Ihnen kurz vorstellen möchten. Alle Optionen sind über den „teilen“-Button am oberen rechten Rand erreichbar.
Nutzer zum Bericht einladen
Mit der Teilen-Funktion können Sie als Inhaber des Berichts weitere Nutzer einladen. Dafür benötigen Sie lediglich eine E-Mail-Adresse der Person. Selbstverständlich können Sie auch die Zugriffsrechte separat einschränken. Während andere Nutzer nur den Bericht ansehen dürfen, können andere auch Änderungen vornehmen. Sie haben die Wahl! Über diesen Dialog können Sie die Zugriffsrechte jederzeit verwalten und ggf. wieder entziehen, wenn Personen aus einem Unternehmen ausscheiden sollten.
Link zu einem Bericht abrufen
Sie möchten Ihren Bericht temporär über eine Vanity-URL zugänglich machen? Dann können Sie über „Link zum Bericht abrufen“ einen eindeutigen Link generieren lassen. Diesen können Sie ebenfalls mit Zugriffsrechten versehen und im Anschluss an beliebige Personen zuschicken. Die Nutzer benötigen hier kein Lookerstudio-Konto.
Bericht einbetten
Wenn Sie Ihre Berichte in einem Internen Netzwerk (z. B. Intranet oder Wikis) oder auf einer Website einbinden möchten, können Sie dies mit der Einbetten-Option machen. Google stellt Ihnen den passenden HTML-Code zur Verfügung, den Sie nur noch am richtigen Ort einbinden müssen.
Reportings zeitgesteuert planen
Zu guter Letzt gibt es mit der Option „E-Mail-Zustellung planen“ eine weitere Möglichkeit, Ihren Report automatisch an bestimmte Personen per E-Mail zu senden. So können Sie einem Bereichsverantwortlichen zum Beispiel jeden Montag um 8 Uhr die aktuellen Kennzahlen der Vorwoche per E-Mail zustellen lassen. Automatisierung ganz smart.